Mahabiplabi Arabindo: Bengali movie on Sri
Aurobindo’s early life from Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother - Feb
13, 2013 ...a 1971 Bengali film (don't worry, it has English
subtitles) which covers the life of Sri Aurobindo from his return to India in
1892 to his retirement to Pondicherry in 1910. Someone has posted the movie on
youtube in 13 parts. The duration of this movie is about two hours. I have
added brief descriptions of the content before each clip below.
the Afternoon of Time: An Autobiography - Page 502 - Harivansh
Rai Bachchan, Rupert Snell - 2001 - Preview - More
editions I could not think why Amit would want to throw up a good job to
try his luck in cinema; but I
didn't want to discourage Bunty, nor, for that matter, was there anything I
could do to stop him anyway. While in Madras
I visited the Shree Aurobindo Ashram ... Pantji had been a great devotee and had
inspired me to read Aurobindo's Savitri and The Life Divine; the poetic
quality of Savitri had made an ...
they came to Sri Aurobindo and
the Mother: twenty-nine true ... - Page 26 - Shyam
Kumari - 1990 - I asked a friend, "Do you know anyone who can
make a movie?"
"Yes, your friend, Ajit Bose of Calcutta ,
is there," he replied. We invited Ajit Bose to make a film about the Ashram. He made the film, "Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Four Chapters.
Sri Aurobindo Ashram -
-09 E-Library - -03 Disciples - Dyuman - Index It was his idea to make the documentary film "Sri Aurobindo Ashram — Four Chapters." It was filmed by
Ajit Bose and was displayed in many centres of the ...
to Become a Hindu: A Guide for Seekers and Born Hindus - Page 86 - Sivaya
Subramuniyaswami - 2002 - Preview - More
editions Sri Aurobindo's message,
he told me, was in essence the same old Vedic message, namely, that we are gods
in our innermost ... But
Sri Aurobindo was not
an exponent of Vedic spirituality alone. ... I had also seen a Bengali film on his life.
to Mother - Udhaya
Kumar - 2004 - Preview
Mira Alfassa (Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry, India) was not just a spiritual teacher who lived with us. ... told by Mother and her
acquaintances, with full of her thoughts and feelings, presented visually to
give it a film like
Promised Hand - Page 39 - Prakash
Chandra Gupta - 1998 - Preview - More
editions What Manmohan Ghose thought of the new spiritual emphasis in Aurobindo's political thinking is not
known but ... called
Philosopher's Cot neighbouring what was then the Rink, a hall used for skating,
which later became a Cinema and
then ...
Of Indian Cinema -
Page 26 - Manju
Jain - 2009 - Preview
impress upon filmmakers the need to make films with powerful social and educational themes. even
critics of this time like aurobindo ghosh
and ananda Coomarswamy, who wrote extensively about art and culture, made
little attempt either to treat cinema as a rich and varied register of popular
culture or to understand the new regime of aesthetics that it had inaugurated.
History of Modern India -
Page 89 - Dilip
M. Menon - 2006 - Preview
Made at the height of the freedom movement, the film makes obvious use of symbols such as the national
anthem, the Bengali literary and social reform tradition (photographs of Sri Aurobindo, Tagore, Vivekananda), as
well as references to ...
Displacements: Nationalist Longing and Identity Among ... - Page 191 - Paromita
Biswas - 2008 - Preview
As scholars such as Peter van der
Veer and others have argued, this investment by male nationalists
of the figure of the woman with superior strength, for instance Aurobindo or Bankim's portrayal
of the nation as the mother goddess, was a ...
of the Gods': The Printed Image and Political Struggle in ... - Page 100 - Chris
Pinney - 2004 - Preview - More
editions A key element in Peter
van der Veer's study of what he calls 'religious nationalism', is
the claim that it is the result of the ... reference for religious nationalists today: the
translation above, by Shri Aurobindo,
is taken from the Bharatiya Janata ...
appearances?: visual practices and ideologies in modern India - Page 142 - Sumathi
Ramaswamy - 2003
Lajpat Rai in retrospect: political, economic, social, and ... - Page 106 J.
S. Grewal, Indu Banga, Panjab
University. Publication Bureau - 2000 - ... the twentieth century. As discussed earlier, Peter van der Veer treats the two
as the two extreme sides of the same phenomenon, thus making it a somewhat
unilinear movement on the scale. Vivekanand and Sri Aurobindo can safely be put...
Sri Aurobindo for all ages: a
biography - Page 83 - Nirodbaran -
1990 - Sri Aurobindo has
described how, at Bombay, when he was standing on the balcony of a friend's
house, he saw 'the whole busy movement of Bombay as a picture in a cinema show, all unreal and
shadowy'. And yet he continued with his ...
120 - Aurobindo too
smiled gently. The scene comes alive in my mind like a film even
today. 'Hardly a moment later, the servant came and told us, "Sahib salaam
diya" (the master bids you enter). Aurobindo and Bijoy Nag were
led into the doctor's ...
Sri Aurobindo and
the Mother: Glimpses of Their Experiments, ... - Page 10 - Kireet
Joshi - 1989 - Preview - More
editions The city, a shadow picture without tone, Floats, quivers unreal;
forms without relief Flow, a cinema's vacant shapes; like a
reef ... For Sri Aurobindo, however, this turned out to be only
one of the foundational experiences, and a series of spiritual...
in Sri Aurobindo's the Life Divine: Covering Book Two, ... - Page 286
- Santosh
Krinsky - 2012 - Preview - More
editions A creation of this kind could only be the outcome of an
inconscient energy or an illusion-cinema, a shadow-play or puppet play of
forms ... Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Book 2, Part 2,
Chapter 24, “The evolution of the Spiritual Man”, pg.
Sri Aurobindo:
A Contemporary Reader Sachidananda
Mohanty - 2012 - Preview - More
editions He is the great reading public; the newspapers and weekly and
month reviews are his; fiction and poetry and art are his mental caterers, the
theatre and the cinema and the radio exist for him: Science hastens to
bring her knowledge and ...
Being (Soul: Its Nature, Mission, Evolution) - Page 149 - Sri
Aurobindo, Aurobindo
Ghose, Mother -
1990 - Preview - More
editions Its Nature, Mission, Evolution)
Sri Aurobindo, Aurobindo Ghose, Mother ... it is in
direct contact with material circumstances, with forms and words and sounds,
etc., for a very short time; so it records all that like a photograph or
a cinema, but it ...
Many Selves: Practical Yogic Psychology - Page 205 - Sri
Aurobindo, Aurobindo
Ghose, Mother -
2003 - Preview
Practical Yogic Psychology Sri Aurobindo, Aurobindo Ghose,
Mother A. S. Dalal. some goodwill and which precisely is in love with progress.
Place that before you and first, pass across it as in a cinema all
that you have done, all that you have ...
Freedom in India:
Sovereignty and (Anti) Conversion - Page 105 - Goldie
Osuri - 2012 - Preview - More
editions open reading that Vasudevan calls for (which redirects Phalke's cinema towards a Gandhian desire
for the ... ... framework of
Hindu nationalism” through the institution of canonical texts such as the
Ramayana and Mahabharata in print literature as discussed by Peter van der
Veer (2001). van der Veer argues, for example, that “it
was Aurobindo's idea, in his Foundations of Indian Culture, that
the Mahabharata and the Ramayana constitute the essence of...
and Religion: Perspectives on Europe and Asia - Page 84 Peter Van Der Veer,
Hartmut Lehmann - 1999 - Preview - More
editions Perspectives on Europe and Asia Peter Van Der Veer, Hartmut
Lehmann ... notion of primordial Indian racial qualities, and also in
the thought of Gandhi's precursors, notably Aurobindo, who conceived of
nationality as a more spiritual force but ...
Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives - Page 209 Jacob
Copeman, Aya Ikegame - 2012 - Preview - More
editions Cosmopolitan spirituality in Rishikesh
Aravamudan identifies Guru English as the most recognizable form of South Asian
cosmopolitanism and Aurobindo as not only the first modern guru but
one who ... 2002:10, see also van der Veer 2002b).
On Sri Aurobindos Poetry Plays & Crit. - Page 17 - Amrita
Paresh Patel, Jaydipsinh Dodiya - 2002 - Full
view - More
editions The city, a shadow picture without tone, Floats, quivers unreal;
forms without relief Flow, a cinema's vacant
shapes; like a reef ... About
the Mystics of ancient India Sri Aurobindo writes:
"The doctrine of the Mystics recognizes an Unknowable, ...
Revolutionaries: A Comprehensive Study, 1757-1961 - Volume 1 - Śrīkr̥shṇa
Sarala - 1999 - Preview - More
editions When he was declared innocent and set free by the court Aurobindo Ghosh
became lost in the contemplation of his past and all the events of his life
began to pass before his eyes like a film being screened. His
ambitious father Dr. Krishna ...
A Legend and a Symbol - Page 546 - Aurobindo
Ghose, Sri
Aurobindo - 1995 - Preview - More
editions A Legend and a Symbol Aurobindo Ghose, Sri Aurobindo ... All
seemed a brilliant shadow of itself, A cosmic film of scenes and
images: The enduring mass and outline of the hills Was a design sketched on a
silent mind And held to a ...
Sri Aurobindo and
the new age: essays in memory of Kishor Gandhi - Page 101 Sachidananda
Mohanty, Nirodbaran, Maurice Shukla - 1997 - West based on alternative
yardsticks of the kind Sri Aurobindo suggests are simply not
available. Of course, every now and then you find an auto-critique which comes
from the West. There are films like A Clockwork Orange which is based
Kancha Ilaiah: Even if 10% dalit children got English
education, India would change from Opinion, Editorial, Columnists and Reviews The Times of India
Kancha Ilaiah is a political scientist, writer and dalit activist.

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