Indian Political Thought: A Reader
Edited by Aakash Singh
, Silika Mohapatra
Price: $41.95
- ISBN: 978-0-415-56294-2 Binding: Paperback (also available in Hardback)
- Published by: Routledge Publication Date: 26th April 2010 (Available for Pre-order)
- Pages: 320 About the Book
This Reader provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of contemporary Indian political theory. Tracing the development of the discipline and offering a clear presentation of the most influential literature in the field, it brings together contributions by outstanding and well-known academics on contemporary Indian political thought. The Reader weaves together relevant works from the social sciences — sociology, anthropology, law, history, philosophy, feminist and postcolonial theory — which shape the nature of political thought in India today. Themes both unique to the Indian political milieu as well as of universal significance are reflected upon, including tradition, secularism, communalism, modernity, feminism, justice and human rights. Presenting a canon of names and offering a framework for further research within the broad thematic categories, this is a timely and invaluable reference tool, indispensable to both students and scholars.
Table of Contents
Foreword. Introduction: What is Indian Political Thought? Aakash Singh
and Silika Mohapatra
Part 1: Provocation 1. The Poverty of Indian Political Theory Bhikhu Parekh
Part 2: Evocation 2. Gandhi's Ambedkar Ramachandra Guha
3. The Quest for Justice: Evoking Ghandi Neera Chandhoke
4. Tagore and His India Amartya Sen Part 3: Secularization 5. Is Secularism Alien to Indian Civilization? Romila Thapar
6. Secularism Revisited: Doctrine of Destiny or Political Ideology? T.N. Madan
7. The Distinctiveness of Indian Secularism Rajeev Bhargava
Part 4: Communalization 8. The Blindness of Insight: Why Communalism in India is about Caste Dilip M. Menon
9. In Search of Integration and Identity: Indian Muslims since Independence Mushiral Hasan
10. Sikh Fundamentalism: Translating History into Theory Harjot Oberoi
Part 5: Modernization 11. Gandhi, Newton and the Enlightenment Akeel Bilgrami
12. Scientific Temper: Arguments for an Indian Enlightenment Meera Nanda
13. Outline of a Revisionist Theory of Modernity Sudipta Kaviraj
Part 6: Reconstruction 14. Reconstructing Childhood: A Critique of the Ideology of Adulthood Ashis Nandy
15. Subaltern Studies as Postcolonial Criticism Gyan Prakash
16. The Commitment to Theory Homi Bhabha
Part 7: Emancipation 17. Justice of Human Rights in Indian Constitutionalism Upendra Baxi
18. Emancipatory Feminist Theory in Postcolonial India Ratna Kapur
19. Righting Wrongs Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Part 8: Conclusion 20. The Poverty of Western Political Theory: Concluding Remarks on Concepts like ‘Community’ East and West Partha Chatterjee
About the Author(s)
Aakash Singh
is Research Professor at the Center for Ethics and Global Politics, Luiss University, Italy. His scholarly interests range from comparative political philosophy to liberation theology and applied critical theory.
Silika Mohapatra
is Research Scholar in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Delhi, India. Her research interests include classical metaphysics, phenomenology, semiotics and the ethics of self and society.© 2007 Routledge, member of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business